Dressing Well Improves Workplace Productivity

We’ve all heard the saying “If you look good, you feel good”- well recent studies support the idea that looking good at work actually makes employees more productive.

Published in the Academy of Management Journal, “Wearing Your Worth at Work: The Consequences of Employees’ Daily Clothing Choices”, details how dressing well in the office isn’t just a self esteem boost- it also leads to better productivity when completing tasks. Not only that, dressing well also appeared to encourage employees to seek out social interactions with their colleagues.

In the study, participants were asked what they wore, their feelings about themselves, their productivity, and their interactions with colleagues. Those that dressed better had a stronger sense of self-esteem and performed better on tasks.

“When you think about it, we all have had an instance of when we’re wearing something to an event or an occasion and you just don't feel good about it,” Holtz said. “It’s always kind of in the back of your mind where you’re like, ‘This really wasn't appropriate for this meeting,’ or ‘I’m being judged right now.’ That tends to ruminate in your mind, and it leads you to a level of distraction which prevents you from fully engaging in the work.” 

Next time you feel frustrated by getting dressed for work, consider hiring a stylist to help you build a cohesive wardrobe with looks to help you feel great everyday with minimal thought- and if you’re ready to level up your career, book here!


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